CQC Registered with all our case managers mentored by advanced BABICM members


Since the start of the pandemic we have adapted to working in new innovative ways so that we can continue to support clients and promote their on-going rehabilitation.  With each new government update we provide updated contingency plans for care teams plus information for our team of case managers and professionals working with our clients. …

Published on

September 21, 2021

Since the start of the pandemic we have adapted to working in new innovative ways so that we can continue to support clients and promote their on-going rehabilitation. 

With each new government update we provide updated contingency plans for care teams plus information for our team of case managers and professionals working with our clients. 

We are dedicated to ensuring that our clients, their families, care teams and case managers are as safe as possible.  We have reviewed each care package and rehabilitation package, including both employed and agency, in order to consider how transmission risks can be further reduced. 

We continue to work closely with schools, colleges and universities to ensure the safety of our clients.

If you would like to discuss these procedures further, please do contact Heidi or Nikki at admin@sscasemanagement.co.uk

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