CQC Registered with all our case managers mentored by advanced BABICM members

Complex or Catastrophic Injury Clinical Case Management

Bringing experience and peace of mind to those with complex or catastrophic injuries


What is Complex or Catastrophic Injury Clinical Case Management?

Complex or catastrophic Clinical Case Management involves managing multiple services to optimise individuals’ quality of life through the provision of quality care and rehabilitation where necessary. This is often used in cases where a child or adult has complex, or often multiple health, social and educational needs. These needs might be related to physical, psychological, environmental, and social factors that require a co-ordinated and comprehensive approach to support.

Our approach to Complex or Catastrophic Injury Clinical Case Management

Complex or Catastrophic Clinical Case Management typically involves a team-based approach, where we will be the central point of contact, coordinating care and services across multiple providers and settings. We work closely with individuals and their families to understand required needs and goals and develop a personalised care plan, taking into consideration unique circumstances and preferences.

Why should you trust us with Complex or Catastrophic Injury Clinical Case Management?

  • Personalised Care Plan

    We develop a personalised care plan, taking into consideration unique circumstances and preferences. We'll also monitor progress, adjust the care plan and advocate for needs and rights within the healthcare system.

  • Dedicated Care Team

    We may set up a privately employed care team if required. If agency support is more appropriate, we will set this up and oversee it. We will ensure the support team/person is fully trained and working towards desired goals.

  • Accommodation & Equipment

    We collaborate with architects, builders, and therapists to ensure all accommodation and specialist equipment needs are met. This can include vehicles, to promote independence and enhance the quality of life.

  • Care Coordination

    We act as central points of contact, coordinating care and services across multiple providers and settings, working closely with individuals to understand their unique needs and goals.

  • Professional Collaboration

    Our Clinical Case Managers coordinate with both statutory and private therapy, psychology, medical, and education professionals to achieve goals, possibly involving the NHS and Social Care to secure Continuing Health Care (CHC) funding or direct payments.

A team with solid accreditations

We're HCPC and CQC registered, an ICRM supporter, with Advanced Members of BABICM, members of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, the Royal College of Occupational Therapists, the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists and the Royal College of Nursing.
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