Giving purpose and intent to those with life-changing injuries
About Us

Committed Clinical Case Managers
We're committed to supporting individual’s and family's needs first.
In 2018, our directors Heidi and Nikki launched StanleySmith Case Management, based in Ivybridge, Devon. Bringing over 15 years experience as case managers with backgrounds in occupational therapy and physiotherapy, they wanted to ensure their Clinical Case Management focused on the client and family first.
Heidi and Nikki continue to work as Case Managers and also work as Expert Witnesses, while ensuring the quality of Clinical Case Management is exceptionally high.
At StanleySmith, we are extremely passionate about advocating for our clients and ensuring we focus first on the values that are most important to them.
Contact us for help today
Friendly and personal approach
Highly knowledgeable Clinical Case Managers
Our hands-on, innovative, solution-driven approach to Clinical Case Management and friendly and personal service has been the foundation of our growth.
We boast a large team of case managers, Clinical Case Management assistants, HR and office support staff. We also manage approximately 90 carers who are supporting our clients and providing physical and emotional well-being, achievable goals, rehab and care packages of the highest quality.

Fully qualified collaborative team
Clinically-current dedicated case managers
Collectively, our team has a very unique set of skills. Directors Heidi and Nikki help pull these skills together to promote teamwork and knowledge sharing so that everybody continues to learn as Case Managers. This mindset has enabled us to work with exceptionally complex clients.
We strongly promote continual professional development and learning and ensure case managers receive mentoring, both 1 to 1 and group, facilitated by either an Advanced Member of BABICM or Dr Tim Salzman, Clinical Psychologist.
What’s more, we’re HCPC and CQC registered, an ICRM supporter, Advanced Members of BABICM, members of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, the Royal College of Occupational Therapists, the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists and the Royal College of Nursing, and we are immensely proud winners of the 2022 ‘Small Case Manager of the Year’ award.

Why work with us?
Fully integrated team of over 20
Clinical Case Managers, HR and office support - all committed to assisting you.
Tailored-made Clinical Case Management
We're one of the few companies where the directors work clinically alongside Case Management. This enables the structure of our service to be clinically led.
Highly experienced Clinical Case Managers
Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Therapy and Nursing. Plus, we have a registered nurse responsible for overseeing medication and complex care.
A team with Advanced BABICM Membership and 'Small Case Manager’ award winners
Our Directors and other members of our team are proud Advanced BABICM Members. 2022 Small Case Manager Award winners.
Experienced in working closely with Solicitors
We have years of experience working closely with solicitors to effectively advocate for each and every one of our clients.

A team with solid accreditations